Why would we want you:: I think i can bring a little bit of tricking to this clan (Im not very good at it tho
) and i wanna bring some spar i ove spar so much i always look for a spar and if there is a beginner i will always try my best toteach them.
Tell us about yourself* real name is Matthew and i loooove football but whenever i get time to play tb i always do
this is my fav game by far and its the best game i can play.
Best mod: Spar
Referrals**: I dont really have any
Bans, infractions:: I have never been banned and infraction once (I was new to the forum then)
Previous Clans: (CriDis) (Momentum)
Reason for leaving them: I left (CriDis) because they just let me in any they never warred. i left (Momentum) because they were getting boring and always lost wars
Stats card****:
Post 2 or 3 replays (can be multiplayer or singleplayer)*****: