Originally Posted by Ishi View Post
My dad did that to my step sister, he said she had about the same reaction, couldn't sleep for almost a day afterwards, I think the main problem with it is children.. It will only moderately startle and scare adults, but it might permanently scar children, making them afraid of whatever popped up from the screamer ;s

Dude,showing screamers into minions can cause trouble.
If someone got heart problems a screamer can kill him.

Wow,look at this guys!
They don't have affect from screamers!
(This is not a screamer.Trust meh!)
Last edited by Defqon; Feb 17, 2009 at 10:46 PM.
I was duped with something like a screamer... instead of some stupid persons face I got a glimpse of some hairy guy's ass... scared me more than any screamer ever could.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
"Subliminal Messages" got me. It pretty much shows you a few hidden pictures, (EX: A woman holding a wine glass supposedly looks like a women pleasuring herself if you rotate the picture) and then a supposed backmask of the lords prayer in a rock song. (Which supposedly if you say it backwards is supposed to summon Satan.) It had the words to the prayer on the screen, and I was reading along when... BAM a scream and a series of grisly photos came on, some of them old black and white war photos.

I freaked. A full body twitch and instantly closed the window and tried to forget what I saw. Now whenever I watch a flash or a video, I get comments on it first. If it was very recently posted, I wait, those comments could be fake. At any sign of suspicion, I don't watch it. If I ever get screamer'd again, god help whoever posts it.