Original Post
Font bug
Hey all,
I've recently downloaded the 3.69 and started playing again (zomg i knoe)
however, i've spotted a bug... baww
The bug is that all the numbers, be it score, or match frames left will always show as whatever the first number is (ex 5,432 will show as 5,555 and 1,923 will show as 1,111) However the latter numbers are sometimes wider, and it's generally ugly.

Now, for those of us actually intending to fix the problem.
1. i'm running windows 7-64 bit, with the latest drivers
2. My STDerr reads:
"failed to load texture data/textures//menu
Extensions for bump mapping unsupported"
3. I'm using the Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family
If there's anything else in the way of tech specs that i forgot to list don't hesitate to tell me
Nice report, well written (also welcome back - not seen you on here for months).

Are you running the official Intel driver or the Microsoft one?

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
This was just a case of terrible drivers. Windows update stuck version on here. I went to the intel site and downloaded the vista ultimate 64 bit drivers. Not only did the glitch go away, framerate doubled.
*facepalms at windows*