Original Post
Selling Promo items
I have full crimson, Camo, and Tyrian. I'm sorry if the prices are a bit wrong, if you think they are just tell me because i really dont know how much each is worth at the moment.

Starting bid: 15k
Minimum Raise: 1k
Autobuy: 40k

Starting bid: 15k
Minimum Raise: 1k
Autobuy: 35k

Tyrian - (Sprooj 20k)
Starting bid: 20k
Minimum Raise: 1k
Autobuy: 50k
Last edited by LatinKing; Mar 2, 2009 at 01:40 AM.
Crimson is MUCH overprized. It has been promo too many times to be so valuable :P Just check different threads
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