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[IMG + VID] Pop Arting Joker! by Mouta

hi everyone! here's my first video of a complete art making process.
the video is accelarated of course. the original video file had aproximately 2 hours, and so i reduced it to about 6:20 minutes.
this is a technique i recently learned on how to make pop art look-a-like images. this is my 5th image using this technique.
i hope some of you like this video!
and as you see in the credits, i say that theres a link to the image so, here it is:

also, here's the small version of the image for the ones who dont want to open the link:

not quite popart, more like vectorising
Originally Posted by avwave View Post
Interesting method of doing line art Mouta

i do the same, and i believe mrama does it like that aswell

looks cool tho
hands need shading, if u did the head and feet, u need to do the hands
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
thank you for the great comments everyone! im glad all of you like it.

@bendover: yea... is more like lineart, mixed with popart or something... xD
and i shadded the hands, but i think i overdid it, and the shading doesnt show up... xD

@aerox21: good idea... i'll try to do it once i have more free time. ;)
Yes, I also do the same technique except most of the time I do so, it is with a scanned (Pencil Image) and then pen tooled for lineart and then add special effects.

But Mouta you took it to a whole other level, very nice work there, the pen tool may look easy but it requires alot of skill, again very nice 10/10
Hi it's Praeter
Am I the only one who sees this as a glorified trace?

I dunno, I'm torn, I like the finished product, but the fact that you essentially traced it from a still from the movie puts me off.

I would have liked this better without the "Making of", I guess, since I would have been able to think that you did it from a reference.

+10 for the finished product
-6 for tracing from a still.


EDIT: for clarity, I have no problem with tracing an image you've done yourself, my main beef here is the fact that he did it from a still.
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH