Originally Posted by
Let's post that in bold letters then:
Not contributing to this thread will get you banned.
The "LOLS U GET BANNED" shtick doesn't work at all.
In fact, the only people advocating it aside from modpowers are usually the cocksuckers, trying to get on the side of guys like you who go around and promote that state of mind.
You know how many people come on IRC almost daily going around ("Y I BND I WUSNT EVEN BUMB?!") proclaiming innocence. The relationship between regular users and people with powers is already strained.
The basis of this forum is made up of hormonal teenagers (with the exception of the little kids lying through their teeth from COPPA) who come on to have fun, at the end of it. Whenever you have a large-scale game like this,
it comes with the baggage. Runescape, anyone?
I am not advocating the mindless idiots who spew "lol i beet teh hampa in aikdo" on a daily basis, but a ban-first attitude is NOT the way to go, radical approaches such as these will turn this forum into another facepunch. I repeat, in bold, shiny red letters.