Original Post
Auction IVORY (SET)

Minimum Bid- 23k
Minimum raise- 5k
Auto-buy- 50k

Highest Bidder Soulon 35k

Auto buy is now 50k


also accepting FULL ADAMANTIUM, packed or unpacked + 15k tc for the set.
Last edited by 1Ivory1; Mar 15, 2009 at 10:59 AM. Reason: Changed information
Bid ends in 4 days.
soz for changing.
who ever bids highest gets a free Ivory head texture that looks like a medieval helmet with ivory written on the back.
im so desparate to sell this set, ive lowered the price for autobuy to 50k tc or adamantium set and 15k tc.

who ever buys this soon will get a gold primary gradient aswell as the items mentioned above.

User infracted: early bumps, triple post.
Last edited by hanz0; Mar 15, 2009 at 05:07 PM.

"You've sent 50000 toricredits to 1Ivory1"

You don't need to send the head. Just the Ivory Set and Gold Primary Gradient.
Last edited by Drakhir; Mar 15, 2009 at 12:50 PM.