Original Post
i wan't to join [DAT] clan
my rank is 570 and i think i good player ;)
belt:5th dan
have fun


no i got 2 bans
first in noob times for headstealing and another ones is fake because some admins in old times mad on me...
yeah but the bans seem to take long times so makes me think to myself what if he gets a ban and doesn't come back for like months??but seriously i think you should make a poll or atleast nutcracker since he invited you.
||||7th dan black belt||||
ok now all good noone haven't right to ban me without reason...
and i trying to get intro good clan this clan is best for it!
Our clan is invite only and its closed. Also, for the second time, No.

no need to poll again.

I deleted and I moved in hall of shame some thread/ post about this guy. because 931bw start flamin in our forum.

to 931bw,
please don't make another thread or invade again in DAT forum. and please read the Clan rules before you make a thread like this.
Last edited by JePoY; Mar 17, 2009 at 03:23 PM.