Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Come inside me
Hadoken!, smacked out of thread!
Last edited by Shnob; Mar 18, 2009 at 07:00 AM. Reason: Cause i can
I want it! I need it! Revenge is dripping from my teeth! It aint nothing, to feel power and bring my killers to their knees!
ummmmmmm wtf does this MEAN!?
[Pandora] I can't appreciate another day in Heaven without another day in Hell [Anime United]
Marloto you are like super awesomely smart'ish
I want it! I need it! Revenge is dripping from my teeth! It aint nothing, to feel power and bring my killers to their knees!
Oh... OMgWTFBBQ I just finished killzone 2
[Pandora] I can't appreciate another day in Heaven without another day in Hell [Anime United]
Thats great! ,but not really a fan of killzone
Last edited by Shnob; Mar 20, 2009 at 10:44 AM. Reason: Mistake
I want it! I need it! Revenge is dripping from my teeth! It aint nothing, to feel power and bring my killers to their knees!
killzone 1 was the worst game i have ever played... killzone 2 falls into my top 10s
[Pandora] I can't appreciate another day in Heaven without another day in Hell [Anime United]
My friend felt the same way about Killzone 1 ... I'll tell him to give Killzone 2 a chance..
My hands are staind with blood, just like yours, but unlike you, I'm not scared.
yes tell him that. tell him that the improvements will BLOW HIS MIND!
[Pandora] I can't appreciate another day in Heaven without another day in Hell [Anime United]