Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Zanzaba View Post
The rules for our clan/posts are simple:

No racism.
No sexism.
Cursing to a minimum.
No spam of any sort.
And No threatening what so ever. Doing so will cause a temporary ban from the clan/forums. (Doing so 3 times will result in complete ban from the clan.)
NO SCAMMINGThis will cause a permanent ban from the clan and our forums.

Rules of recruiting:

Leader, Co-Leader's, and Recruiters may Recruit.

How to recruit:
1.) Link them to the Joining Our Clan thread.
2.) Make sure they will post the correct, required, and acurate information.
3.) PM me (Zanzaba) or post on the thread, saying you recruited them.
4.) Make sure they chack the forum every other day to wait for a reply.
5.) I will then inform them via PM or post if they are in or not. I may also give them a rank.

*NOTE: Ranks mut be 8 or fewer characters long, excluding the "[]"
Anything written outside th brackets also counts toward the limit.


OmgSomeRandomOrg[DAv_TehBeast] = BAD



i fixed some typos in your first post and neatened it up a bit, Zan.
