idk how to measure this record, cuz the frame with the decap says that you only did 229622 damage. The remaining damage is spread among the next 9 frames.
If the uke is moved, the record doesn't count, amirite?
It does count due to the fact that the title of the record is "highest score in a decap" not "highest score in a decap without uke movement." Yet even so someone still has to post here beating the previous record.
So i dont understand...
Record says that the record is:
Most Points for Flawless Win (With One Hit)
Date: September 3, 2008
Points: 543,253
Most Points for Flawless Win (Regular)
Date: September 3, 2008
Points: 543,253
So i changed DeeJay741's tactic and i get almost 100k more!
Is this counts?
Sorry for bad English!