Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[Set]Elf-Pure Tribal
It's a work in progress, when i make more of it, ill update. It's totally hand-drawn, no tribal brushes used. C+C please, and really tell me if something needs to be improved.

here's the head:

Originally Posted by dethreaper View Post
It's a work in progress, when i make more of it, ill update. It's totally hand-drawn, no tribal brushes used. C+C please, and really tell me if something needs to be improved.

here's the head:


I think he does have a tablet cuz
totally hand drawn? nice
hope u can pull the rest off without getting bored of it
i prefer editing brushes rather than making my own designs. its just quicker...

-thicker bolder lines, means u dont need to do as much drawing. for tribals, less is more

- its turning into aztec/alien designs rather than tribals
keep each design as one piece, rather than a maze of individual designs like u have it. also keep away from horizontal lines.

-smooth smooth smooth. try out the pen tool and redo the patterns to get smoother lines

-feet... way too detailed, cool them down, bad feet can really ruin a set

IF you decided you were rather going for the aztec look, then youre pretty much spot on
Last edited by BenDover; Mar 29, 2009 at 11:16 PM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
For once, I agree with BenD. Except the horizontal lines part. I mean, I agree with it, but you seem to have stayed away from them pretty well. The few that are in there look fine
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wow, thanks alot, guys. btw, no, actually, i dont have a tablet, i just drew with the mouse. :P

this is my first serious set and im glad its going over well.

thanks for the advice, bendover.

EDIT: ya, now that u mention it, i think im gonna completely redo the feet. >.<