Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Please some admin read this
Hello, I would like to comment on a way to win tc very easily, I could mamter secrecy about it, however I feel like doing something illegal.
Basically you take advantage of the quests system, as they renew themselves as soon as you complete them.
I created an alternate account, logged on to a random official server, where there were no players, opened another window of the game, another version, (without the quests) and entered the same server.
What I did: I completed the missions for my account, and every time I completed, a new one appeared, I spent hours doing it, I got a lot of tc, I also got Qi doing it.
You could for a limit of daily quests.
ah, another thing: nothing prevents someone from creating 5 accounts, open 5 windows of the game, enter an empty tournament, and keep tc.
Thanks for listening.
To add to this, I found an exploit which allows you to have different IPs on different windows meaning it won't actually show up as multiclienting and will be almost untraceable.
I forwarded it to dev few months ago but apparently he doesn't give two shits cause I'm still able to do it. I guess you really have to abuse something to make a change
Urbanleo: hi, we're still monitoring quests activity to see whether people decide to abuse the lack of quests-per-day restriction, so yeah, technically you can farm quests that way now (which, as Aetas pointed out, is still against general rules).

Smaguris: quit whining in your every single post, it's not my fault you got fired from staff for being a moron (and keep proving that for what, almost a year now? jesus).
"Exploit" you found is a way to allow people with siblings / friends to play the game without getting marked as alts - we added it along with Toribash release on Steam over 4 years ago and don't have any plans on changing that in near future.
Bad day? I'm simply outlining your incompetence in your own job, mainly because I still have glimpse of hope in this game and you're the main person running it.

Also you're pretty much admitting that you knowingly added a flaw to the game and you have no intention on fixing it. Thanks for letting everyone know that you let people farm tourneys with no consequences.
Also for the record you probably dont have any idea what im talking about cause i can make it appear that separate windows are from different countries, it's definitely not to "allow people with siblings / friends to play the game without getting marked as alts"
Last edited by Smaguris; Jan 28, 2019 at 07:32 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump