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Christchurch - Xenophobia and Multiculturalism
If you've read the manifesto of the Christchurch shooter, you know that he was someone deeply concerned and bothered with immigrants coming into NZ and subsuming the local culture. The general gist of the manifesto was that white culture and race is being eroded by immigrants. He says he targeted Islam specifically since, out of all the immigrant groups, Islam is the loudest and most violent in their opposition to Western values and culture.

The manifesto, and subsequent attack, was designed to achieve virality and fuel discourse around immigration and multiculturalism. He also wanted to sow discontent and pit the races against eachother. I don't believe that ushering in some big racial conflict is the smartest idea for the future of humanity. At the same time, I can recognise that country demographics is a real field of study and that there is a higher birthrate amongst immigrants in the West versus the local population.

I'm not one for nationalism/patriotism, but I get that's important to some people. So to those people (and to the anti-patriots) I ask - What should be done?

Multiculturalism vs monoculturism. The world seems set on the path of globalisation and interconnectedness. It seems foolhardy to think multiculturalism isn't inevitable. The Christchurch manifesto and attack were one man's attempt to stop that inevitability.

What should be done (if anything)? What /can/ be done? How do we move on from here?
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Last edited by Rutten; Mar 20, 2019 at 01:07 AM.

I mean it’s a hard one because we won’t be able to change shit.. I believe the problem rather than the solution is all religions... but then that is making us monocultural in a way I guess. I’m fully for people having there own beliefs if it doesn’t envolve suffering but that’s not necessarily the religion but the person or group of people. I’m pretty much beating around the bush but idk shits pretty fucked all we can do really is be good ourselves ..
I apologise for this post.
Originally Posted by JoboMan View Post
I mean it’s a hard one because we won’t be able to change shit.. I believe the problem rather than the solution is all religions... but then that is making us monocultural in a way I guess. I’m fully for people having there own beliefs if it doesn’t envolve suffering but that’s not necessarily the religion but the person or group of people. I’m pretty much beating around the bush but idk shits pretty fucked all we can do really is be good ourselves ..

I like your point about groups of people is problematic rather than religion.
I truly believe that to people that arent atheist religion bring them a sense of purpose, and the issue with religion isnt the faith itself but the people that want to abuse other people's faith for the sake of power(or other things).
Real human from Event Squad! Send your applications to me <3

Originally Posted by Colors View Post
I like your point about groups of people is problematic rather than religion.
I truly believe that to people that arent atheist religion bring them a sense of purpose, and the issue with religion isnt the faith itself but the people that want to abuse other people's faith for the sake of power(or other things).

People who abuse faith the most are the people who preach it (religious leaders and such) as they are the ones who profit from it, so in turn it makes the religion itself problematic. Religion is definitely way more than bringing purpose to people, especially if you look at history of it and how certain religions spread (a.k.a. through fearmongering and mass murders).
I know it doesn't contribute to the main discussion but I just wanted to get that out of the way.
i think immigrants need to learn how to blend or atleast stop trying to force natives into their beliefs and culture. if you are a guest you follow the rules of the house not change them.
take my country for example (algeria) pretty much the only thing shared between all of our regions are religion, aside from that they have vastly different cultures and our dialets sound like completely different languages and some even speak other languages(tamazight) in some regions and no one is trying to make others change.

in short, both sides need to respect other's personal space and follow their rules when they enter it.
thats a pretty idealistic idea but eh, just saying my opinion
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Parents suck and people are gullible.

For as much good as religion and politics does it's not without flaws, most people who are strongly opinionated on these subjects follow the beliefs their parents drove into them at birth. This becomes dangerous because they then become core beliefs, a fundamental aspect of that person's identity. The real world doesn't only have one opinion which it's always enforcing. Things like the backfire effect can cause these beliefs to become stronger and stronger and boom, that kid who you heavily forced your extremist views onto has just killed 50 people because they're narrow conception of reality didn't fit the real world and they went mad.

It's hard to stop extremist, education is important, most extremist are dumbassess who either have skewed conceptions of reality or are manipulated into extremism by others, generally through religion.
Many isis members are uneducated and can't read, they're told what their religion says and told what 'their god' wants by others who manipulate them and convince them their acts of terrorism are moral and endorsed by completely factual sacred texts.

Uh so, education I guess, work on education

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