Christmas Lottery
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I'm interested to hear what you all think about the possibility of intelligent alien life.

Does it even exist? If it does, where are they? Is Trump an alien?

My thoughts

there is a big possibility of the existence of aliens more advanced than humans but they are certainly not advanced enough to reach us (for us even with our current tech it take years to reach the closest planet to us),
in an infinite amount of galaxies,solar systems and planets there is also an infinite possibility that there is a planet that has the same living conditions as earth with humanoid species.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
I 100% believe in aliens.If one of the ufo sightings is real then aliens supposed to be way more intelligent than humans.
I remember when Stephen Hawkins spoke about his theories on Alien life and i must say that it's pretty interesting to read about if anyone is interested (just search it on google and you'll find a few). Many scientists and what not have sent out like radio transmitters out into space that have been out there for many years and they've more than likely seen/heard some ordinary things out there which gives them the attention that there must be some kind of civilization out there. he suggested that alien civilizations sufficiently advanced to visit Earth may be hostile. and i think it meeting an advanced civilization could be like Native Americans encountering Columbus. That didn’t turn out so well.

There are many theories and conspiracies out there on the internet which are all very accurate, so if they do however come to earth, i'm pretty sure that we are more than prepared for anything, either for anything that is threatening or not but then again, we don't know if they have more advanced equipment than us.
Originally Posted by Mission View Post
your picture looks like worm alien so aliens must exist

i'll take that as a compliment

Originally Posted by Fear View Post
this guy just finished watching kurtzegat

kurzgesagt* and yes, although i know alot more about it from people like isaac arthur.

Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
there is a big possibility of the existence of aliens more advanced than humans but they are certainly not advanced enough to reach us (for us even with our current tech it take years to reach the closest planet to us),
in an infinite amount of galaxies,solar systems and planets there is also an infinite possibility that there is a planet that has the same living conditions as earth with humanoid species.

interesting idea but in the end what does it matter if they are all way too far away from us to ever reach us? I still hope we'll find aliens relatively close to us one day but in an infinite universe even infinite amounts of aliens could be spaced out infinitely far apart

Originally Posted by Sora View Post
I 100% believe in aliens.If one of the ufo sightings is real then aliens supposed to be way more intelligent than humans.

i believe in aliens but I definitely do not believe they have been here already. I also dont buy the kinda bs stories about the pyramids being built by aliens

Originally Posted by max View Post
I remember when Stephen Hawkins spoke about his theories on Alien life and i must say that it's pretty interesting to read about if anyone is interested (just search it on google and you'll find a few). Many scientists and what not have sent out like radio transmitters out into space that have been out there for many years and they've more than likely seen/heard some ordinary things out there which gives them the attention that there must be some kind of civilization out there. he suggested that alien civilizations sufficiently advanced to visit Earth may be hostile. and i think it meeting an advanced civilization could be like Native Americans encountering Columbus. That didn’t turn out so well.

There are many theories and conspiracies out there on the internet which are all very accurate, so if they do however come to earth, i'm pretty sure that we are more than prepared for anything, either for anything that is threatening or not but then again, we don't know if they have more advanced equipment than us.

I am aware of Stephen Hawkins (r.i.p) concerns regarding aliens being potentially hostile, however I also think that aliens don't really have anything to gain by wiping us out. Think about the reasons why aliens might attack us:

-to get our resources: there is a whole universe of rocks filled with metals, water ice or whatever out there that are not inhabited by naked monkeys so why waste the resources to wipe us out?

-because they hate aliens: if such a thing as a fanatic purifier willing to cleanse the galaxy of all sentient life exists, they would have found more efficient ways to deal with us than to invade and destroy us this late in our development. They would have sent out drones to all corners of the galaxy far before we could have ever achieved any level of technology and could have wiped us out in our infancy

-because they want to subjugate us: this is probably the likliest reason an alien civilization would bother to invade a primitive planet like ours. resources are abundant, but workforce might be something they lack, and if the slave trade has taught us anything it's that it's always easier to have someone you dont have to pay do your work.
Last edited by Chirs; Apr 5, 2019 at 09:42 PM.
i think it's fun to believe but deep down i really don't

99% of videos are shakey, <144p quality, only a few seconds, etc.

also, if the people that say the government is in kahoots or w/e with the aliens
bitch how the fuck

i dont think they know english or sign language or shit

i know there are so many planets, but the fact that we came into existance at all was such immense luck. i cant find the vid but it explained something about a microorganism at the bottom of the ocean taking in oxygen from the surface or something? no clue, cant remember. but that happening and the hundreds of other little things that perfectly aligned for humans to come around... seems kinda rare

42 years ago NASA sent a Voyager probe into space with basic information about our solar system, our planet and our species, in case some foreign civilization found it.
I hope that one day some civilization will find this data plate and we will still exist to this time.

I'm also imagining a black script:
300,000 A.D.
The humans killed each other a long time ago.
The only thing left of us is a gold plate with our data.
Random uneducated aliens find a gold plate with data and read it.
- Do you understand any of this?
- No
- I think it was written by some illiterate man.
- Yeah, you're right, let's trade it for a case of beer at a nearby junkyard.
~The end of the human race~
Last edited by Bison; Apr 10, 2019 at 10:33 PM.
hurh hurh hurh *chews grass*