Original Post
Yo, did this man really get permabanned for being called "Nickerz"?


Next you'll be telling me Snickers chocolate bars are racist since they're black coloured and sound remotely similar to a racist word, there needs to be a line drawn regarding the banning of people over their "racist" usernames, it's getting quite ridiculous at this point.
Last edited by Swaves; Aug 10, 2019 at 04:41 AM.
Considering this account was most likely an alt to joke around on, and its clear that it sounds out a racial word. That is something this community does not tolerate. So yes, I can see why he was banned.
It only had 40 matches anyway and was created about 3 days ago so it won't be a big deal for the user to make a new account.

If it had a k at the start instead of a hard N than yea it would have been fine because then it would be more in line with what the brits like to call their undergarments.
(Could this game have less rules and actually become a +18 game?)
Remember when you were young? You shone like the sun
18+ game doesn’t mean racism is allowed...

If the guy wants to appeal it he can.

Need help? PM me!
إد هو العاهرة
Originally Posted by Divine View Post
18+ game doesn’t mean racism is allowed...

ya but that username is only racist if u add ur own context to it or if the user is being racist, otherwise its virtually harmless
That was really bad sorry.
Someone tell me why this guy is highly respected by some people ???
Originally Posted by Arctic View Post
ya but that username is only racist if u add ur own context to it or if the user is being racist, otherwise its virtually harmless

thanks for having a brain, but yeah, you know we are helpless regarding to this, neither do we know what happened
but yeah i agree with both of you artic ed

thats a common thing nowadays on any platforma
Last edited by BlueEvil; Aug 12, 2019 at 09:07 PM.

Water Melon, Fire Melon, Earth Melon, Air Melon... The ELEMELONS!
Originally Posted by Divine View Post
18+ game doesn’t mean racism is allowed...

If the guy wants to appeal it he can.

Bruh but im guessing the rule is mostly meant since kids play this too. If not then honestly wtf
Remember when you were young? You shone like the sun