Originally Posted by bilza View Post
^ woudlnt be so sure shook

you could have been infected, because a conficker will bury itself inside windows files, and then delete the original virus, so you cant find it, so just cause you cant find it now, doesnt mean you dont have it, i know i do cause i got it in march, and couldnt be bothered to delete it, now its gone :S

also, the trigger is programmed to start at 0:00 2/4/09 (gmt - 6) so there wont have been a reaction yet

Bah, my PC has been through too much shit for even a hardy virus like that to survive. I'll believe if i see, not a moment earlier. Even though it's highly unlikely that i'll notice anything, considering that i'd be asleep when/if it strikes.
No news and all internet makes Shook a suspicious guy.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol