Original Post
HELP Shaders Wont Work (looked on all other threads)
I Have Looked On All Other Threads For A Soloution But I Couldnt Find One
When I Turn Shaders On They DonT work And When I Come Back They Are Off.

System Infomation;

Windows Xp Proffesional
Version 2002 Service Pack 3

(dont know how to find what video card i have) think its NVidia (Sound And Video)
Go read the thread in the FAQ about shaders, it'll tell you what works, what doesn't and how to find out what you've got.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Ummm Well I Downloaded A New Driver And Now When I Turn Shaders On It Comes Up With A White Screen It Says ITs Loading(mouse) And The Music Loops.