Original Post
Shadered screenshot needed !!!
i am about to make an "opt uke 0" competition(yeah,name stolen from ikua's replay xD).in this comp you have to pwn uke as much as possible (i mean try to make a total dm).I dont have a perfect replay for it so i'd love you to borrow me yours one just stop it in a perfect moment,/lp 0 XmiechoX and take a cool screenshot it is only a screenie,i hope you won't take it personal or something xD i can even pay you for this screen...

and what should i use to write "Opt Uke 0" with a smexy font which JT used in his Facekick comp??
I'm [Addicted]
As in im not sure what we are ment to be doing.

It's the holidays nowi turn dumb o.o
... who doesn't?
ah mh ill search for somethin ;P

mh its kinda hard... i allways throw all parts away like arararwaewearawr knowwhutmsayin

Last edited by Aikanaro; Apr 7, 2009 at 12:18 AM.
screen would be cool if it'd be my force color my force color is Void xD

i think i'll just post that thread in requests ;p
I'm [Addicted]
yeah ;P ive typed /download xmiechox but nothin changed
the "zonk" was missing