Original Post
Hair Spaz / Hair Flash
Title. Now I can recall this bug being present ever since hairs came out some stupid amount of time ago and it's so minor that I don't blame the devs for not patching it out. The hair spaz really is a trademark that reminds you you're playing a free game on Steam. However, as much as I love my void mohawk the sudden flashes of black have taken a toll on my eyeballs, so I'll explain further in hopes of a fix. In the screenshot I'm using the mohawk and extending my glutes on default gravity on frame 50. The hair spaz is really random and can be super obnoxious when it's caught in the freeze frame. It only seems to happen to the older hairs--the issue doesnt occur on Centurion and Cat Ears however is definitely prominent on older ones. Particularly I've seen the issue persist on the mohawk and the Jiyu Dreads, although I'm not sure about any others. Shoutout to all my hair users
Attached Images
hair.jpg (24.9 KB, 13 views)
hair coolness.jpg (17.9 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by gunop; Aug 1, 2020 at 07:09 PM.