Let it hurt.

Hurt creates an experience that is crucial to one's development. Especially for the receiver of said hurt. However never hurt family, my preference.

Passion and calmness go hand in hand. If you aren't fruitful and not passionate. That energy will keep you less calm than a passionate action.

Calmness is there to show comfort. Comfort is suitable after danger, if there is no danger. Your comfort is hurting you. Believe it or not.
The Easy Way In
To live life normally, would mean to be 2 things. A will and a body. Nothing more can be said.

In the past days, I contemplated continuing to write on this thread. Because this is not a off topic discussion. Expression is here as you read this, as this writing puts you on the same mental path as I, the writer. What is the topic? Its the topic of wonder. Greatly prescribed as words, these words.

I sneak this sentence in to see if anyone is reading. PM me with a emoji if you kept on reading this far. It is good, reward yourself. If the thought of rewarding yourself makes you feel bad, negative. Then go do a cold shower this will fix it. Reward yourself with cold showers. Reward yourself more fucking reps, wouldn't it be great to think like this?

All those worries just gone. It's simple you just have to hush.