Daph - GMT +2
Age: 18
Belt: Custom Belt

Competitive mods: I play all mods esports style ( but main ones are: ABD and Lenshu ) and good enough to do clan wars

I would like to join [Obey] because I see a lot of great and chill players in this clan, and I want to be a part of those amazing players. Another reason is when I joined the game for the first time I heard a lot about [Obey] and I saw how it was dominating other clans since 2015. Final reason is I can see this clan making a strong comeback in this year's CL ;)

I've recently just left AS because... I think we all heard what happened to it, and it isn't gonna recover soon. Other clans I remember being in are Spark, xp, Bionic. Pretty much left all those because they were dying / lacking of activity.

As for my forum activity, I post daily on the forum but mainly around the market and clans forums. So you can expect forum activity from me.

Some stuff about me: I'd say I'm pretty chill. I spend most of my time relaxing, studying, listening to music, vibing with friends, playing basketball and playing video games.

Thank you so much for reading my app. If you have any other questions to ask me I'll gladly provide my best answers for you.

I hope to meet some of you soon!
Last edited by Bibian; Apr 20, 2021 at 12:16 AM.
the world is as beautiful as what you make it out to be