- How would you like to be addressed?? (Name, Nickname)
angels/tolip/grou/hadi and many more nicknames
- Why is it that you want to join Envy??
intrested on the clan rythm aka alex5050 made xdxd
- How old are you??
- What are some of your pet peeves??
rajen smmhhhhh
- Do you consider yourself a Chad??
i often thinks myself as chad for some reason
- How long have you played/experience do you have on TB??
roughly 5 years and few years without tb
- How often are you able to play TB??
i hardly go ingame since irl fked me up, i can go ingame if someone ask me to and give the reason
- What's your favorite genre of music?
random depends on the mood
but for now some weird weeb music kinda calms me down
- How often do you moan into the mic whilst in Discord??
why would u do that
- Favorite show on Netflix, or whatever the fuck you use??
i just watched sweet home on netflix recently, hella damn good
- Do you microwave your fries??
i use pan, cannot afford microwave kekw
- Is a Hotdog a Sandwich??
no.... i guess? i haven't eaten hotdog in my life... except for some cheap and fake hotdogs lol
- What's your recent history of Clans?!
it was months ago i was in [Spark] i dunno what happened to that clan now
- What are your hobbies??
gaming, memes, read comic/novel
- What would you like to see be achieved or achieve with Envy??
lookin at how this clan works, looks like this clan gonna be at the top sooner, also meet more foreign ppl
- What type of achievements would you like to see yourself achieve in TB?
i dunno, atleast i want to beat itemp for some reason
- Well, Lastly... Please tell us about yourself!
i dunno where to start but...
just a college students that struggled to do college stuff, this corona stuff fked up my plan and im still trying how to earn money at home without just being a pile of garbage
i got nothing to say anymore but nice to meet yall