Original Post
Keyboard (or Controller*) Joint Changer
So I decided to recreate daannando's script after seeing a request thread for controler support script.
- You'll get a setup for keybind configure if you load the script for the first time
- You can reset the keybind by deleting keyJointControl.txt in toribash script folder
- If you want to use controller, you need controller emulator (such as joy2key or xpadder)

Feature: Has 6 keybind commands: Forward/backward joint cycle, hold/relax state changer, contract/extend state changer, and grab state changer. Display for current selected joint and its state

Credit goes to daannando
Maybe I'll implement Navi's second idea in the future
Attached Files
keyboardJoint.lua (3.4 KB, 13 views)
Last edited by ryuu; Nov 22, 2021 at 02:58 PM.
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