I almost drowned in the ocean twice.
First time I was 7 or 8 years old playing on a beach in Mexico with my family. My family was on the shore and I was playing in the water when I started to lose control and got pulled deeper. I didn't know how to swim at that time so just kinda got submerged while attempting to stand. A random man who no one in my family knew was standing in the water nearby came over and lifted me above the water. I asked my parents if they remember the incident and no one does, so if that man wasn't there to lift me up and put me closer to the shore I would have likely drowned.
Second time I was 12 and playing with my friends in the water at the beach when a rip current started to pull us deeper. I was the farthest out so I lost control while my friends were able to get back to the shore. I was able to swim at the time but didn't have the knowledge on what to do when pulled out to sea by a rip current, so I likely would have fatigued and drowned. As I was struggling one of my friend's neighbors, who was a navy seal or marine, rushed in to pull me to shore. I can't remember if it was one of my friends who alerted him or if he happened to witness it, but again if it hadn't been for an unknown person to save me I likely would have died.
I don't go in the ocean anymore.