Cloudy's signature lenshu opener
This is my go-to opener for lenshu3ng, I don't think it is good for duels as it is easily beaten by rush openers and it is ruined by a clap however I enjoy it for casual use. I like it because if dodged it gives you quite a bit of speed which allows you to chain it with other moves such as a second kick, if not dodged or blocked then it deals quite a bit of damage and have dm several times. The best counter is to block and raise a knee ready to kick as it leaves you in a vulnerable position. I made it by myself in singleplayer and I have never seen anyone else use it.
It is a 2 step opener with 3 variations for the second turn, I tend to play around with it on the second turn based on my opponents moves but I will give you the standard variations. I have attached a few replays that demonstrate it's use.
Turn 1
Hold all
Contract right pec
Extend left pec
Rotate chest left
Relax lumbar
Contract abs
Relax right knee
Contract left knee
Relax ankles
Turn 2 variation 1 - right leg kick
Relax pecs
Rotate chest right
Extend abs
Extend glutes
Relax right hip
Contract left hip
Turn 2 variation 2 - left leg kick
Extend right pec
Contract left pec
Rotate chest right
Relax abs
Extend glutes
Contract both hips
Extend left knee
You can alter this kick by playing around with shoulders elbows ankles etc
Turn 2 variation 3 cancel - don't use this one a lot but it is good to have when you get cold feet, it is kinda running away though
Contract both wrists
Contract left pec
Extend right pec
Rotate chest right
Bend lumbar left
Contract glutes
Contract right hip
Extend left hip
Contract right knee
Extend left knee
Turn 4
Raise right shoulder
Relax right elbow elbows
Hold lumbar
Extend left glute
Extend right hip
Extend right knee
Contract left knee
Last edited by Goldcloud9; Jan 28, 2023 at 01:56 PM.