Original Post
The Anarkian Art Exhibition for the glory of Cthulhu


Opening ceremony

Last edited by 0xdead; Mar 21, 2023 at 11:00 AM. Reason: post opening state
I shall participate
"If you think only of striking or touching the enemy, you will not be able actually to cut him."
hi here is my art
Praising cthulhu - as above so below!
Works best as a floor and thigh texture but you probably can slap it anywhere.

"If you think only of striking or touching the enemy, you will not be able actually to cut him."
Your art for the opening celebration event is amazing!
Three contestants have posted their work and already it is a fantastic collection of textures that pays tribute to the great Cthulhu.
To all those who think of joining - don't be shy, we still wait for more souls to create art. And we're setting deadline of the event to around 2 weeks from now.

Great news!

The time for the opening celebration event has passed!
Thank you contestants for producing art. Event is done now.

Which also means that this art exhibition center has matured from opening state to past opening state.
So when you create a piece art that you want to dedicate to praising the great Cthulhu, please post it here. It will be sitting amongst other pieces of art. Multiple type variants of art are allowed here, why not.


And the winner prize goes to...

Praising cthulhu - as above so below!

Great holiness and tentacless Renixxx sir.

As a support for local artists, other participants will be handed the amount of 50TC for their work related expences.
Thank you.
Cthulhu be praised.