Rules of the joining thread.
As of now until i decide otherwise, the only people allowed to post on the joining thread are the following people:
These people are also the only ones allowed to test new members.
If you do not understand this, post here and i will try to explain better.
Added by Buttchouda
Here's some clarifications. (Just in-case)
1) Here's a list of those permitted to post on the joining thread
--*Anybody applying for Klan Opposition*
2) Posts MUST be constructive (even if you are permitted to post on the thread).
For example, do not post:
"There's a lot of people applying to KO DDDD"
3) Permitted members (other than leaders) should only give their OPINIONS on players. Do not give a "Yes" or "No".
A proper post:
"I have played with xxxxxxx many times in-game and they are very good"
An Improper post:
"This player is good, he gets a yes from me"
Last edited by Buttchouda; Apr 11, 2009 at 07:15 PM.