Original Post
I believe Dinner is cooked.
I think dinner is just about dead knowing there is about no active members left. I haven't seen anyone in dinner on toribash in weeks, and that person has left the clan somewhat recently.
Back in my day...
Dinner has been an official clan since I started playing and I'm sure it has a history even before the "Age of Jsoh". Its had a good run...but I think its time to let it pass away peacefully. [Meaning, kill it before a bunch of n00bs who think they're hot sh*t try to revive dinner like *ahem* other legendary but fallen clans. Don't let the good name of Dinner be sullied!!]
Must... mmf... abide by ManBreakfast's rules... trying so hard... to not use sarcasm... >.@
Pope of BnW • [Torigod] • Lord of Wibbles • YouTube • Toriblog Admin • Interface Artist
(,,゚Д゚) -"Become a fan. DO IT."

Hyperboloids of wondrous Light
Rolling for aye through Space and Time
Harbour those Waves which somehow Might
Play out God's holy pantomime

Also, Gubbin is neat.

Uhhhh.... Jumpah..... This is more my forum than yours... I'm still the co-leader.... you're still a member....

I must apologize for Jumpahs rudeness in his previous message.

I glare at you (τΏO)