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An Offer to All Allies of Klan Oppostion
Originally Posted by Buttchouda
This is an offer brought to you by one of your ally clans, Klan Opposition. If your clan wants a sub-forum for your clan forum, but your clan is either not 6 months old OR your clan just doesn’t have the funds of 40,000 ToriCredits, I, Buttchouda, have a cheaper solution with more features. I am an admin/co-leader of a forum that I have gotten the permission from the founder of the forum to let us use it for Toribash clans. I have also approved this with many members from the Toribash community.

This alternative I’m offering comes with two payment options. Both have many neat features that are well worth the ToriCredits. Here are the two payment options and their included features. Note that other features will be added in the future, but this idea has just surfaced, so I haven’t got all of the features thought up, yet. Anyways, here are the lists of payment options and the features included with them. (Note that I do not accept actual, real life money or items, only ToriCredits)

Gold Clan Membership – 15,000 ToriCredits
-Clan Forum
-1 Public Sub-Forum
-1 Moderator from your clan max
-Member group created just for your clan
-Access to earning Buttchouda’s Gold Achievements (see information below)

Premium Clan Membership – 25,000 ToriCredits
-Clan Forum
-2 Public Sub-Forums
-1 Private Sub-Forum
-3 Moderators from your clan max
-Member group created just for your clan
-Access to earning Buttchouda’s Gold and Premium Achievements (see information below)

Please note that I am looking for suggestions for features for both Gold and Premium clan memberships! Send suggestions via private message to me (Buttchouda)!

Upgrade from Gold to Premium – 10,000 ToriCredits
-All premium features

Buttchouda’s Achievements:
What are they? – Like Xbox360 achievements, they award you for your work towards the game you are playing. In this case, the game is Toribash and the awards are ToriCredits provided by me (Buttchouda). The first pack of achievements has been released today, which is a pack of 5 achievements with awards totaling 11,500 ToriCredits if all of them are earned. Each week, a new pack of 5 achievements will be released, giving you more options of achievements to acquire for ToriCredits. It is planned that every other week an achievement pack for Gold subscriptions and the weeks in between will have achievement packs released for Premium clan memberships only. However, this idea is new, and if a flow of ToriCredits to me gets held up, this feature will be put on hold until my ToriCredit supply is replenished.

If you are interested, the home website is However, I ask that you excuse the appearance and state of the home website, and just go to the “Forum” section at the top, then follow the link to the forums. When you get to the forums, you can see the forums WERE paid for, so it’s a nice, ad-free forum.

You may ask yourself, why should our clan not just get our own forum for free?
Well, the gold membership only costs $1.50 USD and premium membership costs $2.50 USD if you convert the ToriCredits to USD. This forum was paid for with more money than these memberships are, however I do not remember the exact value. Also, as I stated before, it is ad-free since it is paid for, making it much better than all free forum alternatives. Another good part about this service is that the forum is all set up, so you won’t have to go through the hassle of making a new forum.

How do I buy this service? I prefer you send a private message to Gumfighter or I (Buttchouda) using the form below about this. From there, we (Gumfighter and I) will review your form and send a private message reply confirming or requesting more information. Then, once your form is confirmed, we ask that you send the ToriCredits. When Gumfighter or I receive the ToriCredits, your request will be fulfilled within 24 hours and the forum section will be yours.
Please request a clan membership through private message using the form below:

Clan Name:
   Clan Membership Version:
Please do not let a great offer go past you! Get the most out of your ToriCredits!

Please pm either myself or Buttchouda if you have any questions about this proposition. You can also post here as we will be checking this thread.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Umm.. Its something I'll have a think about of course, I'll need to discuss it with Gerkkou though before I say anything.
Ok, we're (me in particular) watching for a reply. Just so you know, I'm the admin at those forums. If you'd like to see a set up of an example of forums there check out the Klan Opposition forum I set up there. It's not complete yet, but just to give you an idea.

Also, the "Buttchouda's Achievements" are in there, if you'd like to get an idea of what those are like.
I'm sorry, we have discussed it (Me and Gerkkou) and have decided we don't currently need these services.