Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[AUCTION]The Angry Lumberjack

This is a 100% original set made by me. Starting bid 5k.
This auction will be extended another 4 days.

"300 with canadians [...] that head is epic" - avwave
"man, that's an awesome set" - Dalir

No, it doesn't come with floor, dq, trails, etc. Just the textures you see. The joints shown are default.
The denim is NOT a bumpmap.
The hands are how I like them, TB's wrists bend wrong IMO.
Please only bid if you have the TC. No item trades, as I don't have the qi. TC only, no cash.
Criticism is welcome in PM only.
You may resell, but I must be credited. If you do resell, a PM telling me how much and to whom would be appreciated. Do not split the set, recolor, etc.
This auction will end at midnight on the 29th and payment will be expected no later than the 30th.
Please note there is no autobuy.

DISCLAIMER: By bidding on this set you acknowledge that other variations of it may be sold and worn by other people.
Last edited by JWideman; Apr 26, 2009 at 03:57 PM. Reason: extend, new images, etc.
Unless more bids come in before another 24 hours or so are up, I'm going to accept ownagehuh's 5k as the final bid.
5.5k=5500 nvm i found a set that is the stlye i want good luck with sell
Last edited by drool; Apr 21, 2009 at 11:26 PM.

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Sorry, qq5ben, I don't take items. The value of them changes from day to day and I don't have enough qi yet.