I can only agree with you, the texure prices are going higher and higher which is to he quality's expense. Here are my suggestions to help the texture market:
To Nabi:
-Set qi for textures so less people have them and want to buy. Maybe more or less qi depending on which texture (less for the head, more for the ground).
-Make some textures only buyable with tcs (ground, trails, flame particle)
-Restock more often the texture items and less often the texture packs
To the artists:
-Lower your prices, this way you will not only help with solving the problem, you will get more costumers
-Wait until you reach a certain level before you start a shop, master your program (GIMP, PhotoShop etc), same reason as above.
-(This suggestion I would like to see fulfilled) Create an artist organization that would help set the texture prices of its members and would have a minimum experience level requiered (not to high but only to assure the artis is in fact an artist). The costumers of the members would have a quality/price guarantee and there would be a board with price aproximations (X head : Y tcs, X head with shading : Z tcs) of course only suggestions.