Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Lazy laws.
Lazy laws.
Lazy laws are the laws when being lazy.

1. Never get off your ass when you want something to eat or drink. just order someone to do it.

2. Never do any fisical activities.

3. Never carry any thing heavy.

4. Never leave your house exept if you going some where by car.

5. Allways admit that you are Lazy.

I you go by these laws you will be like me one day. Im the lazyiest person on earth.

fl0w. Logo Designer, PM me.
mmm lol?

PS:was it necessary to make a thread? u could just post it at the spam thread
Dont touch me, I wrinkle [WL] member
lol... haha yEa right you didnt know lol....
oh and this is just a thread it really isnt spam.
RedDevil is leading me by the cock Date the ban will be lifted: 06-29-2009, 04:00 AM ٩๏̯͡๏)۶