Original Post
Toribash WW2 Board Game

Map For Week 1

You should print or download the map so you can make changes as you play.
In this game you must win by returning the opposing teams flag back to your base, or by killing all of your opponents.

Rules & Instructions
The different shaded blue and red squares are the 8 different players, Red against Blue
The flag is black
Every turn, every player can make their own move, say the move in the chat
If you're on grass, you can move 4 spaces
If you're on path or bridge you can move 5 spaces

You cannot cross water

When a player is 5 or less squares away from an enemy, they can choose to fight them or not. These fights will be done in toribash, any random but fair mod will be chosen, If a player loses, they loose their turn, If a player loses 3 matches, they die. If a player gets beaten while they are holding the opponents flag, the flag gets returned to the starting position. If they chose not to fight, each player can go their separate ways. Based on how far away from your opponent you chose to fight, the mod will be different.

The turn order is as follows:
Lightest Blue
Lightest Red
Medium Light Blue
Medium Light Red
Medium Dark Blue
Medium Dark Red
Darkest Blue
Darkest red

To play you must be one of the first 8 players to join the server when I send out the promo-bot, after, 2 captains will be chosen, where then they pick the rest of the players

All players will be speced, teams will take turns doing the moves until they can fight. To call out your move, say where you currently are, and that you want to move (up left right down)

I will be very strict in managing the server, Do not ask any questions that are answered on the thread.

Each Player on the winning team will receive 4k

The password to get into the server is "redtooth"

Post any questions please!
Last edited by TheGod; May 12, 2009 at 04:12 AM.
the god
Kinda confusing. So no sign-ups, just you give a call and then suddenly the first 8 to come duke it out?
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Can you give us an estimate of the time it will take? GMT?

Also, the way you set up the "choose team" thing seems rather inefficent. How about you choose 2 team captains, and have them pick teams?

And basicly, after you pick teams, it rotates, and then the player is asked to choose his move. He can choose who he attacks AFTER he moves? And it goes Team-a-player-1, Team-b-player-1, where you can choose your order? or is it going to be, all of team A, move, all of team A, attack, all of team B, move, All of team B, attack? who goes first?

I didnt get this part:
Based on your position you choose to fight, (1space, 2spaces 3spaces) a different mod will be chosen.

I suggest you make it 4 times to kill someone and 3 turns in a row to kill someone, seeing as 2 members from the team can do it. (gives more stratagy, without making it too complex). I expect the games will be on the short side anyway.

I also suggest you allow 4-8 backups, for extended warfare. (and someone unexpectadly leaves)

Also, what if one person has his turn, and moves within 3 units near to fight someone. He says fight, but opponent does not.

Yah, more detaled info please. Also, mind announcing this on IRC before you promobot it?
- its been a while
Originally Posted by blkk View Post
Can you give us an estimate of the time it will take? GMT?

Also, the way you set up the "choose team" thing seems rather inefficent. How about you choose 2 team captains, and have them pick teams?
That also works

And basicly, after you pick teams, it rotates, and then the player is asked to choose his move. He can choose who he attacks AFTER he moves? And it goes Team-a-player-1, Team-b-player-1, where you can choose your order? or is it going to be, all of team A, move, all of team A, attack, all of team B, move, All of team B, attack? who goes first?
It goes the first player on team 1, first player on team 2, etc. If you are close enough to your opponent to shoot, you can choose to engage, or, both players could choose to move along.

I didnt get this part:

I suggest you make it 4 times to kill someone and 3 turns in a row to kill someone, seeing as 2 members from the team can do it. (gives more stratagy, without making it too complex). I expect the games will be on the short side anyway.
The current settings are good I think.
In the future I could do deathmatches.

I also suggest you allow 4-8 backups, for extended warfare. (and someone unexpectadly leaves)
in certain games backups may be allowed.

Also, what if one person has his turn, and moves within 3 units near to fight someone. He says fight, but opponent does not.
I think I answered that a few questions back

Yah, more detaled info please. Also, mind announcing this on IRC before you promobot it?

I will put a message on irc
I fixed the typo
@oracle yes
Last edited by TheGod; May 11, 2009 at 07:08 AM.
the god
cula's events are always unique and awesome. I'm really looking forward to this. I'm assuming this won't be the only WW2 Board Game you're gonna hold right?
Holy shit, this could be so much fun. I like how they are short skirmishes, and don't require that much planning (such as preset meeting times and groups), but still is really fun.

But can you give a range on the GMT?

I wonder how many people will show up, and know the pass.
- its been a while
The pass is so only people who read the rules can join, (A link will be given from the promobot). 0-6GMT on weekdays.
the god
The Test run went very smoothly, be sure to not be AFK.
There will be some only join if you know you can stay for about 1 hour.
I will begin the first real game in about 1 hour.
the god