Can you give us an estimate of the time it will take? GMT?
Also, the way you set up the "choose team" thing seems rather inefficent. How about you choose 2 team captains, and have them pick teams?
And basicly, after you pick teams, it rotates, and then the player is asked to choose his move. He can choose who he attacks AFTER he moves? And it goes Team-a-player-1, Team-b-player-1, where you can choose your order? or is it going to be, all of team A, move, all of team A, attack, all of team B, move, All of team B, attack? who goes first?
I didnt get this part:
Based on your position you choose to fight, (1space, 2spaces 3spaces) a different mod will be chosen.
I suggest you make it 4 times to kill someone and 3
turns in a row to kill someone, seeing as 2 members from the team can do it. (gives more stratagy, without making it too complex). I expect the games will be on the short side anyway.
I also suggest you allow 4-8 backups, for extended warfare. (and someone unexpectadly leaves)
Also, what if one person has his turn, and moves within 3 units near to fight someone. He says fight, but opponent does not.
Yah, more detaled info please. Also, mind announcing this on IRC before you promobot it?