Original Post
My grandpa died
It happened this morning.I was at school when it happened so I don`t know very well what happened.

All I know is that he was fighting a lung illness(don`t know the right word) for 7 years or so...

The funerars will be on thursday.

I don`t know what else should I say.

Proud member of [Pandora]
I'm sorry to hear about that vladvlad.

I didn't really know any of my grandparents, so I wouldn't understand how that feels.

Hope your all right.
I feel for you. :< My grandpa is in the hospital right now with a stroke. I never knew him much but I wish I did. My sympathies.

i know this was a week ago but im so sorry for your loss... i personally have also suffered a loss my dad... he left us while ago he meant a lot 2 me untill i found out what he was doing....then i cried i was a bit depressed for around 6 months i know its not the same as death but still i know how u feel....
What a fag :o I wud pound such moralless people. Although I think I wud get my ass kicked.

Since he meant lot to you I bet he was rly nice to you atleast
I has mad finger skills!
Property of [Discount_Death] 2nd Black