Hey Guys Im having a new lotto
Prizes:1.Persian Relax-18k
2.Amethyst Force-7.5k
3. Persian Sec Grad:7k SEND TC'S TO jmannn
4. Amethyst Pri Grad-3.5k Tickets are worth:850tc Special Tickets are worth:1.8k<-------3slots There are only 40 slots so better hurry to buy those TIX Lotto will be drawn when all slots are full! 1.MNR 2.Azir 3.P3z 4.Julespino 5.scatty50 6.MNR 7.Azir 8.Julespino 9.Autoz 10. 11.Azir 12.P3z 13. 14.MNR 15.scatty50 16.scatty50 17.MNR 18. 19. 20.MNR 21.sprytryne 22.MNR 23.scatyy50 24.Autoz 25. 26. 27. 28sprytryne. 29.scatty50 30.Axelitis13 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.Julespino 36. 37.Autoz 38. 39. 40.scatty50 Will be closed if no one buy after 24 hrs. BUY BUY BUY!!!
Your items amount to less than the total potential revenue from tickets.
I'm sure it's been stated before that any event cannot be made that have positive income.
You can fix this by removing a "special ticket" slot (to a total of 3).
Your items amount to less than the total potential revenue from tickets.
I'm sure it's been stated before that any event cannot be made that have positive income.
You can fix this by removing a "special ticket" slot (to a total of 3).