You're looking on trying to make a elite clan am i right? But first i should start of with is, I wouldin't use smilieys. It doesn't make clan look organized. And use proper spelling like i see this every where "Applicationz", "commentz", Thankz", "memberz". It looks a bit kiddish. And to make you're clan look super awesome i would read the rules. Here is the rules down below.
yea, ryan is rite
you cant just make a post proclaiming youre going to make a clan
you need to have all the requirements that go into making a clan
(members, 50k, story, allies/enemies, etc.)
Read some other Clans DSC's so you can understand how the clan system works. DONT COPY ANYTHING. You wan't good players? It's easy to get players, but hard to get the right players.