Original Post
Hey, you clan admins in there?
Hey guys,

You die or something?
Lookin' around I am seeing some things that need to be updated:

Beta - Dead. Has been inactive for awhile.
CNBL - Yeah, dead since 03-20-2009.
DeathAvenger - Dead.

Judgement and Kani have not even had a activity check thread, might as well be removed for being dead.

Merchants of Dead - Really spotty during and around this activity check: and their last post is 04-07-2009

NEWB - They needed an activity check or at least something to tell us their not there. Their last post was 3 weeks ago.

Scar - In need of an activity check and at least a warning of removal.

Scream - Claimed dead ages ago.

Smash - They are aware of their impending deletion but I guess they didn't care enough to get kickin.

ToriDragons - Are you serious? There last post was 09-14-2008.

Unce - You know what? Same deal. No warning of removal, no activity check.


true i sent tc for my clan and haven't even got a response thanks cinderomo we can make something out of this
Yes momo, but a lot unofficial clans payed for off and they waiting 2-3months its unfair, we need clans board too.
well how are we going to help it by sitting here its not going to help if we dont say something.
Our clan has been waiting like 4-5 months already with no response from HebrewHamr
Last edited by Beep; May 27, 2009 at 08:22 AM.
And there has been no reponse for a modo change...
(but the member left meanwhile, so I don't care anymore)
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