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[WIP] Primal God - Crow
So.. doing a piece for the next teen challenge..
It has to be a "Primal God", AKA a god that has animal traits.

I thought for a while.. and ended up with the crow, crows are associated with death.. So its the god of death ^_^

WIP, not finished
Last edited by corza334; Jun 11, 2009 at 08:02 AM.
The shoulders look nice, so do the swirly effects floating around. But of course, as this is WIP, I can't give many tips. Perhaps the feet need some more work, and the arm positure looks a little stiff for a god.
Hmm your right, I really wanted it to flow...
I think I'll scrap that, keep the idea, but make it more dramatic, and flow better
I honestly cannot think of a single criticism, it just looks brilliant. The shading, the glowing of the eyes and the mystical swirly things around the ball thingy. Awesome.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Critique on your interpretation; primal to me is big, raw, powerful, simple.

Looks to me like you are over complicating the clothing, and making the figure look like it has no muscle.

Simplify everything, add layers, add bulk, keep the lighting raw and try to get the pure power across. The pose is a bit static aswell, would be nice to get some kind of movment happening, some flow in the robes, some smoke or something from his hands.

My idea would be more along the lines of a hulking man cloaked in layers of black robes and feathered capes and stripes. Beaks and claws hanging from sashes and belts, in one barrel of a fist a short staff in the shape of a twisted crows claw, various trophies and decorations hanging from it, in his other hand pure power glows as smoke hangs and blows around in thick strands. On his bare shoulders, arms and face black tribal tattoos. His burning eyes glow like hot coals, and smoke similarly.
I certainly wouldn't imagine some stickman hunched over hurling around a small glowying orb with his spikey over-starches robes.

That's just my opinion

The actual art is nice as usual, not exactly spectacular but yet more proof that you are well on the way to mastering the concept art style ;)
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
Critique on your interpretation; primal to me is big, raw, powerful, simple.

Looks to me like you are over complicating the clothing, and making the figure look like it has no muscle.

Simplify everything, add layers, add bulk, keep the lighting raw and try to get the pure power across. The pose is a bit static aswell, would be nice to get some kind of movment happening, some flow in the robes, some smoke or something from his hands.

My idea would be more along the lines of a hulking man cloaked in layers of black robes and feathered capes and stripes. Beaks and claws hanging from sashes and belts, in one barrel of a fist a short staff in the shape of a twisted crows claw, various trophies and decorations hanging from it, in his other hand pure power glows as smoke hangs and blows around in thick strands. On his bare shoulders, arms and face black tribal tattoos. His burning eyes glow like hot coals, and smoke similarly.
I certainly wouldn't imagine some stickman hunched over hurling around a small glowying orb with his spikey over-starches robes.

That's just my opinion

The actual art is nice as usual, not exactly spectacular but yet more proof that you are well on the way to mastering the concept art style ;)

Hmm.. thats an awesome interpretation, but I don't want to steal it >.< You could enter the challenge with that!

Going to do more on it when I get home today, make a dynamic pose.. going to keep my idea, but I am going to try to convey a more mental / psych power then muscle. I don't want to dive straight into an obvious interpretation of power.. just too test myself.

Thanks for the crits guys!

So.. just started, saving a detailed process for people too look at and probably learn something from =]

Going to have glowing veins.. and some cool magic ripping out the soul.. going to make the woman naked.. would be too crowded with clothes
well, i dont know anything about this style,
but that looks awsome

can i suggest putting crows in there somewhere?
maybe gathered around her feet?