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[Hunters]Discussion & chat - Old(2nd [Hunters] Stage)
Discuss and chat here.

About Toribash, the word and the current state of economical downturn.

Spam will be deleted / you will be punished for it.

A ridiculous amount of spam has been deleted from the first pages of this thread, so the first pages can look very broken and illogical.
Last edited by lordtiger; Mar 14, 2012 at 12:50 AM. Reason: added note
Ok... saw this thread:

[Hunter] Member Information
Post in the thread to get your info added.No one will run around ,dig your information & add here.So post.

Why not revive it?
Or why is it closed?
DeviantArt (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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um rainboweye, there is already a chat thread of more than 60 pages long!

And wiirus, there is a [Hunters] Member Info which got closed and I'll unclose it!
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
Originally Posted by wannin View Post
um rainboweye, there is already a chat thread of more than 60 pages long!

And wiirus, there is a [Hunters] Member Info which got closed and I'll unclose it!

Ok, thanks!
DeviantArt (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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Originally Posted by wannin View Post
um rainboweye, there is already a chat thread of more than 60 pages long!

And wiirus, there is a [Hunters] Member Info which got closed and I'll unclose it!

Oh, one more thing:
There are some more closed Threads like the Clan Story...
Could you re-open them?
Just for posting comments?
Or is there a special reason?
DeviantArt (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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there is always a mysterious reason of the closed threads!

there was thread saying: "Closed? What in the world happening?!" by: kristis133

in that time we thought there was a mischevious forum moderator, and don't think me! I wasn't forum moderator in those times!
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
wiirus, for me, the "Hunters-Group" thread sounds like the same as the "Chat" thread

and kris, a chat thread is about any topic, don't you see that?
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
Originally Posted by wannin View Post
wiirus, for me, the "Hunters-Group" thread sounds like the same as the "Chat" thread

and kris, a chat thread is about any topic, don't you see that?

Thant's not another thread.
I mean a social group
Scroll a bit up and click on groups.
There we'll have another forum.
DeviantArt (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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oh well, I'll be on vacation soon.
foe the 16th to the 1st.

I'll be online one or two times...
DeviantArt (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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I had the strange feeling that this is the official chat thread but maybe that's just me ...
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself: