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Whats the worst movie you've seen.
Well as the title says,post the worst movie you've seen.

Well,I'm really not picky so i dont have any movie i never really disliked.I just wanted to see everyones opinion on what movie they hate.
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worst movie = the excorcist nothing happens and i got popcorn salt in my eye when i was watching it... i prefer SAW!
* ego gently touches Snorlaxen's manly chest while shivering at the thought of being caught out here alone with him.
so many to choose from. i cant decide but some bad ones ive seen are

Batman and robin
freddy got fingered
alone in the dark
chicken little
Harry Potter - The fifth, whatever its called.
It's dark during the whole movie. I didn't like it.
I didn't like the book of it either
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