Original Post
TC crazy sale (FLAMES)
heres the deal, buy over 300k tc from me and ill throw in a flame.
like this:

less than 30$ = standard pricing

30$ = 300ktc + standard flame

40$ = 400ktc + standard flame

50$ = 500ktc + a nicer flame

60$ = 600ktc + an even nicer flame

70$ = 700ktc + hey thats a pretty decent flame

80$ = 800ktc + wow, thats a great flame!!

pm me for details.

stock 980k

nicer flame:

standard flame:

nicer flame:

even nicer flame:

hey thats a pretty decent flame:

wow thats a great flame:

these flames are just examples.
Last edited by superkeest; Jun 24, 2009 at 02:04 PM.
wow. good job superkeest i may buy if i had paypal

User infracted. (Irrelevant post.)
Last edited by RedDevil; Jun 24, 2009 at 09:15 PM.
thanks, update: I only have the forge till around the 6th, so if you want any of these deals theres not much time left.