oh, im sorry. anyway im sugesting this mod could be bugged, so it might be also in the support thing.
what i say is that dq inside dojo looks a bit rare. if someone could xplain it to me...
I expected to ve 120 frames touching ground and dq. i took a guy from nearly 200, and he almost won me. i touched ground for the first time with my knee and auto dq. seems ur able to bounce with ur head and it wont count frames (sometimes).
nearly played 100 games in this mod since released as oficial server. i find quite a lot of "bugs" in every match. so please... /set didnt help me that much. Explain me how to dq the other guy. do frames touching the floor acumulate? they don't? :S:S its driving me mad
edit: as a sugestion: make dojo bigger, so noobclap + raise oponent not that much effect.
Last edited by havoccat; Jun 20, 2009 at 08:55 PM.