Christmas Lottery
View Poll Results: New post limits: Good/Bad?
Great! Finally the TRUE seniors can show!
25 Votes / 41.67%
Horrible! I and others desrve my/our status!
2 Votes / 3.33%
Who really cares about titles?
33 Votes / 55.00%
Voters: 60. You may not vote on this poll
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Original Post
What do you think of new title settings?
You may have noticed a lot of previously-senior members have been demoted to regular member, including me. I'm sure it has also affected some juniors, but I used to see few non-senior members so I don't notice the change for junior members... Anywho, I'm in favor of it, since I see a lot of people who have joined and then earn a senior title in a week or two, and like I said, I hardly saw ANY non-senior members.
<3 MBK :D
Originally Posted by cayal View Post
I see a lot of people who have joined and then earn a senior title in a week or two

I'm an example.

~I'm in favor of the new title system, I was scard when it caled me a senior so quickly. this will also help identify the "true seniors"
doesnt bother me my title is ub2r
but then again this is my 1,669th post >.<
but yeah im in favour of it, cuz' i was gone over the summer and came back to a much of "senior members" i had never seen before...
Last edited by MrPoptart; Sep 21, 2007 at 07:51 AM.
Meh, does it matter? It's a bit of text beneath the name. Sure I'd like to be known as a senior member, I be a golden oldie; but it's not a big thing.
Post count wouldn't really mean senior anyways, but as TSR said, it's just some text under a name. No big deal
User was infracted for this signature. (Useless signature)
as it was my suggestion, i liekz it
but it keeps the n00bs from thinking they're special just because they are a "senior member"
Originally Posted by PlayerID666 View Post
as it was my suggestion, i liekz it
but it keeps the n00bs from thinking they're special just because they are a "senior member"

Hmm, I definately deserve the title of senior member now.

I've been here longer than you.