Im making a Spinning Lightsaber Instagib mod ( a Combination of The Handsaw mod and the Lightsaber_3 mod), but I tried anything but i cant make it spin.
I looked at the Handsaw mod with Nodepad.
Here's the text of the mod:
body r_hand
shape cylinder
sides 0.05 3 0.05
alt_sides 0.05 0.02 0.0
pos -0.2 0.9 2.3
material steel
color 255 0.1 0.1
flag 6
Can anyone see the Problem??
This wil be my First mod!
If anyone see the Problem, Mail it to <[ME]>
joint r_wrist
axis 0 1 0
Or 1 0 0, or 0 0 1. One of those three. Not sure what else we needed there..