All you guys realy nead to Do is Associate with some hobos untill they let you Sleep in theire group for warmth then you start Feasting like a king my friends
Robert A. Heinlein: "Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny."
Originally Posted by jaatb1143 View Post
on their bodies i'm guessing. what suprises me is that no one brought up drug dealing.

well someone here said "probably something illegal" and another one "rising as close to a mob boss as I can" as his secondary plan, so technically that's drug dealing nowadays.

screw drug dealing though, the pencil sharpening business is a wide and completely vacant market... vacant anyways...

Also if I was more arrogant/had better self esteem (both really would be needed), I'd say I'd write a masterpiece novel. That's what I'd hope to do anyways, why not do it to get the money I'd need. This would mean buying a notebook and pencils and other writing shiiz with the 5$
I refuse to grab.
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