Noticed alot of threads haven't been updated, so i decided to update which ones needed updated, & put them(and the updated one(s)) into one thread, along with a few other things.
Toribash Steam Group (LINK)
Toribash Names | XBOX-360 Live names
40757 | i40757
73CHEVELLE | xX73ChevelleXx
Ahniolator | Ahniolator
Arctichunter | TheEnd
Alessandro | SgtWong101
alienshoe | AlienShoe
AlexOwnz | NrGizzle
Arrow44 | XxMythicAgexX
AHD | ReaktoR18a
aerox21 | lOvEYiRonfAcE
airstrike6 | Saltycookie 145
aracoon | Mintcoon
Aspire | Aspire1332
bigfreeze930 | BIGFREEZE930
Blackbear | BlackBearJ
Bloodkitty | xbloodkitty
Brubert | Bruberts soul
Bombdigidy | bombdigidy2617
Buyakia | Xxd35tr0y3rxX | XxD35TR0Y3RxX
Bilza | Bilza95
Bounafizta | BurnSween
BloodTori| DustGuerilla
Crest1990 | Crest1990
Colminator | Goatzilla
Cindermomo | Cinder Senior
chumpy | chumpeh
ChuckKills | Nice Lafita
CookieMonster | NoSam360
Chrissn | x CQC x DeMoN
Chan1254 | Chan1254
Daxx | Daxx Slay3r
DiabloCole | Cole0wnz
Diealready | Silverlit
donkor | Pythonek
DejaVu | WilledLemoNade | GroomingDave
DaMehMan | DaMehMan
Dark207 | Deathnuke207
Daxx666 | DGamer666
dannyh | dannY x uK
DaJoka | Lil Devil
DarkDavid | qXp ReWiiNd qXp
DeJay | MoB x iTz Pwnz
Dr0pk1ck | hotPINKshoes
Eckz | Newborn Snide
Eleeleth | Eleeleth
elmo22 | killelmo22
exturnal | meatboaf
Faint | xOdd ZacH
flubbah | Flubbah
Fireless | killeroftime22
Frankie | FrankDog4
fighter13 | fighter177
flyhiqh | flyhiqh
Gynx | NubCAEKS
HebrewHamr | JamMastrDreidel
HomerDawkins | ShotLewb
HedHuntr HedHuntr91
Horrid | Eagle xX NL Xx
izzy162 | GrievingNumber
Inzal | TehDarkCrypto
iamrubbish | tomzestoopid
Infern0o - MLG Destrukt
jcgrey2 | K1ngJ0rd4n
Jack9333 | Jack378
JoshGrimes | Thr33Amig05
kobot1218 | INSANE GIRAFFE
KiTFoX | WpnzXpert
KingFisher | FishdawgZA
killer20 | A1338KID12
KillerBunny | The Shanus here
kobot1218 | INSANE GIRAFFE
Kamicide | X0nlyTheHumaneX
LatinKing | Deathmine
Magmaa | II Pureluck
Mosier | LOLMosier
Madgecko11 | madgecko11
Marloto | Godzkilla893
MetroMan | CorzaX
May0naise | Falling Bricks
MrTeapawt | xExI FlynNx
Megadoomer | Megadoomer42
Nobuddie | subwayne 08
Neoarbiter0926 | JJfighter926
Noah | Soul Muncher
OldJoe | Wegapunk
Patriotz | VxPatriotxV
PredatorC | MCF
Paponeo | Paponeo
Paralyzer | VVhellraiserVV
Puffinyat | Sh4dowG4amer
PhilBro | PhilBro
Pacman | pGx i B3AsTy xP
Pivotbash | TrevorXL1027
randomguy8 | GiantEnemyCrab8
Robo Mohawk | ROBO Mohawk
rarrar | xXrarrarXx
ragoo | Kap n Stubby
Scratchoz | StealthApollo
saintowar | x B L A Z I N G | x iBLaZeN II o9
Slybash | SlyBoys
Secreas | InvertedReality
StellerNinja | StellerNinjas
Swooya | Sw00ya
serhan6 | jzsa1000000
SuperIcey | OutTehShadow
Slith | Slith_
shadowXcor | awsmxcore
Sceney | GuerillaRadio77
sexywittsy | R3d 0r D3ad808
StellarGod | SeniorKinky/Monkeyninja4949
Tyler | LDFN NoobCaekz
TehBasher | Mysterious Kip | K1PPL3S
TehFlan | Teh Flan
timmychan | timychann
Tempo | HotRace
Talinn | Disect
tacoBELL | soulja taco
Toriibash | Badger Schnaaps
Trippinbob | A1338KID12
Take-out_Ninja | I Elrekka I
UltimaKH1 | UltimaKH1
wattie | w4tti3 SCO
Warorange/Warbanana | x banana z
xtwistedx | Legendary Kit N
Zaarock | Zaarock
Zanzaba | MrHxCMan
zyphendry | Zyppykiller
Zouph | RejectedGhost
PSN (PS3 Tags)
(Toribash Name) -|- (PSN) -|- (Games)
Andrecova -|- Imperius911 -|- Metal Gear Online, GTA 4, Resistance 2, Unreal Tournament 3, and more to come.
BlaknWyte -|- Modulus1 -|- Resistance 1/2, Warhawk, Call of Duty 4 and 5, Killzone 2
box -|- boxlatenitekid -|- GTA IV, Madden 11, Killzone 2, Call of Duty: Black Ops
Bombdigidy -|- Bombdigidy -|- Killzone 2
boredlolz -|- soulshots -|-
Cream -|- xinfamousx808 -|- CoD4 , LittleBigPlanet, Soul Calibur 4, Skate 2, MGS4 , GTA4
Cindermomo -|- Cindermomo -|- Mirror's Edge, LittleBigPlanet, MGS4
CiaoTime -|-ciaotime -|- CoD4, Rock Band 2, Burnout Paradise, Resident Evil 5, Killzone 2, etc.
eddy1217 -|- eddy_1217 -|- Uncharted 2, Cod6 (for a little while), Cod4, BF:BC2 and GTA4
Frozenlava -|- Frozenlava12 -|- LittleBigPlanet, UT3
HebrewHamr -|- HebrewHamr -|- LittleBigPlanet
Jetsnix -|- Jetsnix -|- MW -|- LittleBigPlanet -|- Need for speed shift -|- Gta IV -|- Motor Storn -|- DJ Hero
LionNez -|- LionNez -|- CoD4, NFS Prostreet, GTA IV, Street Fighter IV, Resident Evil 5, LittleBigPlanet
Lilmali97 -|- Unreal tournament -|- Little Big Planet -|- skate 2 -|- cod waw2
Mapleleaf -|- Maplos -|- Killzone 2, Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, Burnout Paradise, Battlefield Bad Company, Skate 2, Red Faction: Guerilla
Masterj05h -|- Unholy_sight -|- A lot.
mickeld -|- mickel12 -|- A lot.
Nobuddie -|- Loewenzahn -|- CoD4, Resident Evil 5, Fallout 3, GTA4, MGS4
Nermado -|- Nermado -|- Mw2
Pwnzor93 -|- OveRKiLL93 -|- Call Of Duty: World At War and Resistance 2
Ryan541 -|- Ryan541 -|- Any
Secondsoul -|- Secondsoul -|- Little Big Planet, WWE 09, Unreal Tournament 3, and Fuel (Mostly on UT3 though)
Stickit -|- Qualitygamer -|- Warhawk, TF2, LittleBigPlanet, PAIN, Burnout Paradise.
Tamer0 -|- TheTamer0 -|- GTA IV, Resistance 2, Littlebigplanet
Tekro -|- X0911 -|- N/A
Tyler -|- Noobcaekz -|- Uncharted 2, Borderlands, Littlebigplanet
War_Hero -|- War_r -|- mw2 -|- Little big planet
Yasiou -|- Yasiou -|- LittleBigPlanet, Burnout Paradise, Battlefield: BC, Resistance 2, COD: World at War, Street Fighter IV
ZeroStarx -|- Z3r0_StrX -|- Resident Evil 5 , Modern Warfare 2 , Little Big Planet , Gta IV , Pure , Mirrors Edge , Smack down 2010, FarCry 2
Wii codes
~Need more people to post Wii codes.
DarkeVipr | 5688 6636 9534 3437
Kamicide | 8256-6903-7474-5640
Litto | 3136-8146-1312
LoLHacker | 4125-6875-0877
Swagguh | 7342-0317-5711-2081
Toriboomer | 1032-2859-1672
Tehcaek | 4236-1011-5888-4740
If you need help with anything else, feel free to PM me or contact me at [email protected] (usimm) OR -snip- (box) either by email or on MSN.
Last edited by Rai; May 2, 2014 at 11:48 PM.
Reason: cleaning up the stickies