Originally Posted by noomy View Post
i know this isent the right time to comment on this but......they way you write is so annoyng kill O.o all the words are liek bunched up and it makes it easy to get lost i think.

i wrote it that way cause i am getting annoyed of all this blabla about leaving
one guy left for a reason
5 other leaving for the same reason
but the reason isn't realy true
we are about to have a reunion
we are aboutto have a war
we are about to get a private forum
we have many strong and cool guys in our clan

what do they want else?
wanna join mad?
hampa is in it
seen there forums?
fucking DEAD
NOONE posting there ANYTHING

what do all this fucking damn leavers want from us?
i feal personally attacked from this fucking "i am bored" reason

powerufll enought noomy?
I'll do >:D >:D >:D and YOU'll do :S:S:S:S:S:S:S