Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Leg It
Engage Distance: 50
Turn Frames: 10
Match Length: At least 500

Relax All
Space x6
Hold All
Contract Pecs
Space x1
Contract Elbows
Grip Hands
Space x3
Extend Pecs
Space x1
Raise Shoulders
Space x2

This should rip his legs from his glutes. From here you can do many things. What I did:

Lower Shoulders
Extend Elbows
Space x1
Extend Abs
Extend Hips
Extend Knees
Extend Ankles
Ungrip Hands
Space x6
Contract Pecs
Extend Wrists
Space x4
Raise Shoulders
Space x 7
Lower Shoulders
Contract Knees
Space x10
Contract Hips
Space x4
Extend Pecs
Space x4
Contract Pecs
Raise Shoulders
Extend Knees

With more spaces there are more things you could do, like grab his chest as you land and throw him or dismember him as you wish.
Attached Files
LegIt.rpl (36.5 KB, 15 views)
Re: Leg It
Thanks! Thought I'd try something different for a change. So instead of ripping my own legs off I thought "Why not rip his off!"