Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[Shop] pixl and ThY's Art and Texture Shop
Well, i didnt want to, but ThY told me to ;d

So here is it. ThYphus' and mine

Mostly i'll do the art, and he'll do the textures. I don't think u wouldn't like it the other way round either ;p

We're kinda aware of our limited spare time, so we'll make a To-Do list.
So we take only 3 texture and 3 art request at the same time.
Plus we might take some time to do it, be patient.

Full prices will be set depending on request.
1k TC before we'll start workin, rest after receiving the result.

Well, here some examples:

(^-- Hands by hanz0)

and: ;P

Art for sale:
Prices for them? Make an offer!

(will add more, as almost no requests are requested ;d)

Heads: 5k+
Full Texture Sets: 80k+
Avas: 1k+
Sigs: 5k+

Final prices depending on request, effort and god's will.

To-Do list:

-Head for nemesis24
-Set for xzavior666

Last edited by pixlkiller; Jul 28, 2009 at 12:47 PM.
hey,kewl shop nice organization!
i'd like a sig,please.
It should contain: My Tori,My Name and a bomb

and btw,is the first request fo free?

Good luck
Request accepted, sorry for being late.
Pixlkiller will update the To Do List soon.
I guess we'll talk about the price when it's done.